The Daniels Corporation is one of Canada's largest condo developers. They rely on a FileMaker Pro database created by Exoteric to manage customer relations and service for thousands of apartments, townhomes and houses. Unit details, purchaser details, and the particulars of a sale go into the database and out comes thousands of letters to homeowners, purchase agreements, government forms and internal reports, all of which are immediately accessible to key people in various departments throughout the organization.
Cirtronics Corporation is a contract electronics manufacturer specializing in printed circuit board & electromechanical system assembly. Exoteric acts as an advisor and systems developer for Cirtronics, working with their in-house team to renew and extend the role of the FileMaker database that sits at the center of their proprietary SQL-based ERP/MRP management systems. FileMaker is more flexible and easier to program than their proprietary systems, providing a front-end for areas that would otherwise be difficult to access and its ability to integrate directly with SQL databases makes it the perfect communications hub for their systems.
Cion is the technical services and software wing of The Ingenium Group, one of the largest privately held architectural engineering, planning, and consulting companies in the world. Exoteric created a FileMaker Go database for performing building inspections on the iPad that works in conjunction with a FileMaker Pro database running on FileMaker Server in their head office. The FileMaker Go database captures inspection results for a fixed set of criteria, allowing inspectors to use the iPad to very quickly note issues and take photographs of problems and store them directly in the database. At the end of an inspection the results are sent up to the server where report generation and various types of analysis are performed. In addition, a PDF of the results can be emailed to third parties directly from the iPad.
Hallmark Refining Corporation specializes in chemical waste disposal, including providing environmental consulting and silver recovery for photographic processing. Exoteric created a FileMaker database to help them manage permit and sampling compliance for photofinishing processing in over 8000 Walgreens stores across the United States. The database manages permit renewals and sampling schedules as well as storing thousands of documents pertaining to permits and effluent samples, making important compliance data accessible to key staff across North America.