The Daniels Corporation is one of Canada's largest condo developers. They rely on a FileMaker Pro database created by Exoteric to manage customer relations and service for thousands of apartments, townhomes and houses. Unit details, purchaser details, and the particulars of a sale go into the database and out comes thousands of letters to homeowners, purchase agreements, government forms and internal reports, all of which are immediately accessible to key people in various departments throughout the organization.
The Daniels Corporation is one of Canada's largest condo developers. They rely on a FileMaker Pro database created by Exoteric to manage customer relations and service for thousands of apartments, townhomes and houses. Unit details, purchaser details, and the particulars of a sale go into the database and out comes thousands of letters to homeowners, purchase agreements, government forms and internal reports, all of which are immediately accessible to key people in various departments throughout the organization.